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Board Meeting


Thursday, September 28, 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the EAST CHERRY CREEK VALLEY WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT, of the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, will a hold regular meeting at 5:00 p.m. on September 28, 2023 at 6201 S Gun Club Road, Aurora, Colorado 80016. PARTICIPATION IN THIS MEETING IS ALSO AVAILABLE VIA TELEPHONE CONFERENCE.

Dial-In Number: 1-408-638-0968
Meeting ID: 886 2039 4024

This meeting will be held for the purpose of conducting such business as may come before the Board. This meeting is open to the public.

A. Meeting Called to Order, Confirmation of Quorum and Approval of the Agenda
B. Acknowledge Statements of Potential Conflicts of Interest
C. Review and Approve the Board Meeting Minutes September 14, 2023 (5 min)
D. Financial Report/Approve Claims (10 min)
1. Review Accountant’s Report for the period ending August 31, 2023
2. Approve Accounts Payable checks and ACHs dated September 28, 2023
3. Ratify interim ACH Transactions for $209,221.64 dated September 19, 2023
E. Public Comment
F. Board Member Items
G. Consent Agenda (5 min)
1. Consideration of Temporary Construction Easement Agreement with the City of Centennial
H. Consideration of Change Order No. 4 for Zone 2 Tank Isolation Valve Project from American West Construction, LLC (5 min)
I. Consideration of Construction Light Contract for DI-2 Injection Tubing Replacement Project from Hydro Resources – Rocky Mountain Inc. (5 min)
J. District Manager’s Report (15 min)
1. District Manager’s Report
2. Attorney
3. Engineer
4. Water Attorney
5. Hydrologist
6. Public Information
7. Accounting
K. Executive Session - None